Mul is the nearest LLG (Local Level Government) to the city of Mt. Hagen and has its headquarters at Bukapena.

It is located 15 kilometers Northwest of the city and is accessible by a sealed road. As with the other two LLGs, the road from town passes through Ogelbeng and Kelua in the Hagen District.
There are other road networks; one passing through Bagl near the Tambul-Nebilyer border, the other through Minimb-Moika and the other from the Baiyer side. Also, it is accessible through Dei District via Koibuga.
Read about the current road and bridge projects in Mul LLG.

There are 47 Council Wards. To learn more about each Ward, click on the Wards.
[information for each Ward will be updated shortly]
- 01. Bukapena
- 02. Kileg.1
- 03. Kileg.2
- 04. Kileg.3
- 05. Kalenga 1
- 06. Kalenga 2
- 07. Wurup
- 08. Kwinga.1
- 09. Kwinga.2
- 10. Kwinga.3
- 11. Kwinga.4
- 12. Bita
- 13. Kum
- 14. Mabulga.1
- 15. Mabulga.2
- 16. Mabulga.3
- 17. Mambuga.4
- 18. Rugli.1
- 19. Rugli.2
- 20. Keregamp
- 21. Kopalge
- 22. Kumdi
- 23. Namba
- 24. Murip
- 25. Kiliga
- 26. Minimp
- 27. Koibuga.1
- 28. Koibuga.2
- 29. Koibuga.3
- 30. Koibuga.4
- 31. Angiki.1
- 32. Angiki.2
- 33. Kilimp
- 34. Wara.1
- 35. Wara.2
- 36. Wara.3
- 37. Kogl
- 38. Kwip.1
- 39. Kwip.2
- 40. Tondomong.1
- 41. Tondomong.2
- 42. Tondomong.3
- 43. Balk.1
- 44. Balk.2
- 45. Balk.3
- 46. Balk.4
- 47. Ebuga
To learn more about each Ward, click on the Wards.
[information for each Ward will be updated shortly]
Population of Mul
Total Population;
Eligible Voters;
LLG President
Name; Nathan Wantepe
Ward; 01 – Bukapena
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